Guidelines for the Authors

Guidelines for the Authors

  1. Article length: 12-18 pages.
  2. Font: Times New Roman; size – 12 point; footnotes – 10 point; line spacing: 1.5; margins: 2.5 cm.
  3. The title and subtitles should be in bold.
  4. Longer quotes are italicized; shorter quotes (a few words that do not constitute an independent syntactic whole) in quotation marks (no italics).
  5. Titles of books, articles, poems, performances or films in the main text and in footnotes in italics. Journal titles in quotation marks, no italics.
  6. In the main text: full names and surnames of authors, or only surnames, without the initial of the first name (except for the footnotes where the initial of the first name is followed by the surname). In the footnotes: if relevant, include the initial of the first name and the surname of the translator.
  7. The footnotes should follow the system described below:

M. Janion: Wampir. Biografia symboliczna. Gdańsk 2002, s. 37.

J. M. Ellis: Literature Lost. Social Agendas and the Corruption of the Humanities. New Haven-London 1997.

W. Gutowski: Stefan Żeromski – „Dzieje grzechu” (w:) Lektury polonistyczne. Od realizmu do preekspresjonizmu. Pod red. G. Matuszek. Kraków 2001, ss. 199-205.

Zob. A. Leder: Przemiana mitów, czyli życie w epoce schyłku. Warszawa 1997; tenże: Przemiana mitów druga, czyli wojna o obrazy. Warszawa 2004.

A. Wójtowicz: Czy tekst unosi to, co go niesie? Trzynaście lat liberatury, „Akcent” 2012, nr 2, ss. 43-49.

C. Lévi-Strauss: Struktura mitów (w:) tegoż: Antropologia strukturalna. Tłum. K. Pomian. Warszawa 2009, ss. 207-232.

M. Janion: Wampir…, dz. cyt., s. 67.

R. Michalski: W poszukiwaniu utraconej aury (w:) tegoż: Antropologia mimesis. Studium myśli Waltera Benjamina i Theodora W. Adorna. Nowa Wieś 2008, s. 130.

  1. In order to avoid unnecessary mistakes, we kindly ask you to carefully review the titles of the referenced works (including the foreign-language ones!; the full version of the title is required), the names of their authors, and check the page numbers from which the quotations were taken.
  2. Articles in electronic version can be sent to the address:


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